By Renee Mailhiot |
Most vodkas have about 65 calories per shot, while other liquors like rum and tequila weighing in at about 75-80 calories per shot. You do the math. Just the alcohol alone in what you drink on one (crazy) night you pay half of your daily intake! Here’s a few drink recipes that might save your diet, so put down the Dirty Shirleys and Pomegranate-Lime-Watermelon-Whatever Margarita, and read up on some low calorie alternatives.

Fruity Drinks
Fruit syrups and mixers that you find in restaurants and bars pack on the pounds. Here are a few options that may be similar to your favorite drink.
If you like Vodka-Cranberries…
1 oz. vodka, 4 oz. light cranberry juice, spritz of lime: 110 calories
If you like Pina-Coladas…
1 oz. coconut rum, 1 ½ oz. club soda, 1 ½ oz. pineapple juice: 150 calories
If you like Margaritas, on the rocks…
1 oz. tequila, ½ oz. triple sec, 3 oz. freshly squeezed lime juice: 150 calories
Classic Drinks
If you’re a straight-up, no frills kind of drinker, then stick to these simple rules. With diet sodas and tonics, your mixer contains zero calories, which means you’re only consuming the calories from the alcohol, and maybe a few from a garnish. Can’t get much lower than that.
If you like Rum & Cokes…
1 oz. rum, 3 oz. diet cola, lime wedge: 150 calories
If you like Whiskey Sours…
1 oz. whiskey/bourbon, 1 ½ oz. club soda, 1 ½ oz. lemon juice, dash of sugar: 160 calories
If you like Gin & Tonics…
1 oz. gin, 3 oz. diet tonic, spritz of lime juice: 100 calories
Beer Lovers
Sometimes we all love a good brewski, but heavier craft beers can contain up to 300 calories per bottle! Stick to the lower-cal, light beers listed below (calories in 12 oz. servings) instead.
Bud Light: 110 calories
Coors Light: 102 calories
Keystone Light: 104 calories
Leinenkugel Light: 105 calories
Michelob Ultra: 95 calories
Miller Lite: 96 calories
Sam Adams Light: 124 calories
Wine Enthusiasts
Even though wine has a healthier reputation than the other alcohol choices, too much of the sugary, “faux” wines, like Arbor Mist, can botch your diet plans. Stick to Zinfandels and Chardonnays in 4 oz. servings for the best wine for your health. Bonus? Cheap brands, like Barefoot for around $7 a bottle, carry most of these types of wine.
Chardonnay: 90 calories
Chianti: 100 calories
Merlot: 95 calories
Reisling: 90 calories
Sauvignon Blanc: 80 calories
Red Zinfandel: 90 calories
White Zinfandel: 80 calories
Going out on the town and enjoying yourself is definitely a part of college life, but gaining weight doesn’t have to be. As always, drink responsibly, and don't drink and drive.
Sources: Web MD, Anne Collins
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