The Entrepreneur and Designer Behind It’s a Funny T-shirt + Giveaway!

Funny tees are one of my go-to presents for my college guy friends. There's something awesome about seeing a funny tee and getting it. But funny t-shirts are not just for guys! They may look like something you would throw on for the gym, but you can definitely wear a funny tee and look put together.

Add a chunky necklace and some sandals; not only will you look chic, but your shirt will speak for itself.

For funny t-shirts, there’s no need to raid your boyfriend’s closet. Jake Hellner, founder and entrepreneur behind, loves funny t-shirts and designs them – with a kick of vulgar humor – just for college students, both guys and girls. We got to sit down with him and find out about his business and designs.

Hi! Tell us a little about yourself and your business:

I am a college grad from years ago. I have always had an odd sense of humor and felt that I could take some of these ideas, put them on shirts, and market them to the single biggest buyer of funny t-shirts... college students. My designs are geared more towards guys, but I am constantly working on new designs for girls.

My goal is to provide humorous, catchy t-shirts at an affordable price. College is expensive enough as it is without throwing expensive clothing costs on top of it. Cool shirts don’t have to cost a fortune.

I definitely know a few people who would appreciate the vulgar humor on your t-shirt designs. Where do you get your inspiration?

I find a lot of inspiration through movies. I would say the majority of it comes from movies. I'll see or hear something humorous and an idea will pop up in my head. It’s a funny snowball effect.

What advice do you have for college students who want to start their own business?

Do your homework. Study your target market and discover their likes, dislikes, their needs, wants... everything you can possibly know about them. When you feel your product or service will compliment your target market, then hit them with every piece of marketing you can possibly afford. I like to mix gorilla marketing with paid marketing. Track your marketing so you know what works.

Also, find something you are passionate about. Never allow negative people to stop you. My last piece of advice is to never quit. If you truly believe in something, then ride it out. There will be storms, but you can weather through them.

Want to win a funny t-shirt? Jake is giving one away to you! All you have to do to enter is comment below with your name and your favorite funny t-shirt from!

Note: This is a paid giveaway. We’ll always tell you if something is sponsored according to disclosure policy.

By: CG Staff

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  1. wow... those are all really vulgar. not what i expected when i looked at the page!

  2. i like the mr. chow one!

  3. yeah those are really vulgar! but i know some guys would like them.

    thats what she said

  4. "That's what she said," obviously!


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