5 College Theme Parties and How to Dress for Them

If you party in college, you're bound to run into some theme parties. Here are five our favorite theme parties, and how to dress for them:

ABC (Anything But Clothes)
Don't worry, we don't mean a naked party. For this party, you need to create your outfit out of materials other than clothing. You can use trash bags, paper, maps, bed sheets, towels, and pretty much whatever you want. Get creative!

Toga Party
Toga parties come straight out of frat party legend. It's fun and actually pretty comfortable to be dressed in bed sheets. To prevent any indecent exposure, wear a strapless tank or bandeau and short shorts, then use this tutorial to wrap yourself in a toga. Take your favorite brown or gold belt and wrap it around your waist to keep the toga together.

Highlighter Parties
All you really need for a highlighter party is a white shirt and some highlighters!  This party will usually have black lights, and everyone will be drawing all over each other.

Ugly Sweater
When the weather grows cold, this party outfit will not only be fun and easy, but will keep you warm. Almost everyone has an ugly Christmas or holiday sweater. Take your very ugliest (you know, the knit one with Rudolph on the front) and rock it.

High School Stereotype
Use this opportunity to be someone you weren't in high school! Although most people probably didn't fit into the typical high school stereotypes anyway, play up the stereotypes you see in movies. Were you a nerd in high school? Go as a jock. Were you queen bee? Why not try the goth look?

By: CG Staff | Image: Source

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  1. Please please please do not use actual flags as clothing. :( Wearing something with a flag print is perfectly fine but to use an actual flag of a country or state is very disrespectful

  2. highlighter parties are the best! My friends and I cheat and we come to the party with our shirts already covered with highlighter! The ABC party sounds fun too!


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