Look Up: Disconnecting Yourself from Mass Media

You’re walking down the sidewalk on campus to your next class. Your backpack is snug against you as you steadily make your way to the academic building.

Buzz, buzz… Your phone goes off. Automatically, without hesitation or a second thought, you swiftly grab your phone and view the message popped up on the screen. Then from there, you occupy yourself with other medias, maybe an app for Facebook or Twitter. You’re smiling at funny statuses or a friend’s messages.

I chuckled at this sight on Friday afternoon when I was making my own way around campus. Unfortunately, I forgot my cell phone in my dorm room all day, leaving me with an unbearable emptiness. So I had no choice but to look where I was going, making eye contact with every passerby.

Needless to say, it was awkward. People were texting or browsing away, focused on their phones or other devices. My ‘mass media in society’ professor discussed how we’re all in some way always connected to the Internet or other forms of media. Is this true?

“How many of you would say you’re connected to some sort of mass media for more than six hours a day?” he questioned. The majority of the class raised their hands, admitting their bad habits. A few arms remained in the arm when he asked if anyone was attached for more than 12 hours. I was astonished.

Media multitasking is becoming an increasingly critical issue that is being addressed today, especially to our current generation of highschoolers and college students. We’re constantly engaged in these mediums, but sometimes it’s good to break yourself away.

College days are all about socializing and having fun. The “best years of your life,” they say.

If you have multiple connections to social networking sites, like myself, I urge you to dedicate some of your precious time with a book, friends, family, yourself or even your pet(s)! They all need attention too.

It’s good to disconnect yourself once in a while, not because you’ll actually get [home]work done, but because it’s healthy for YOU! Take a night and pamper yourself or if you can’t, catch up on things you’ve been meaning to do, like sleep! Or be productive and clean your room (or apartment), make some personalized birthday/holiday cards, catch up on reading for classes that you know you’ll fail if you don’t do the assignments, or whatever else is on your list of “things to do.”

Technology is a great tool and asset for our lives, and it’s ever changing. Although, overloading yourself is not entirely beneficial, and can lead to problems that can easily be avoided if you just put away your phones and laptops and turn off the TV. Try to limit yourself and build relationships instead. Face-to-face conversations are the best and there’s no gap between misinterpreting a weird text message or comment on Facebook.

Many of us have lost our way of effective communication, we need to bring that back and learn to approach people and make eye-to-eye contact instead of sending a quick text or comment that can be totally misinterpreted.

By: Laura Good | Image: Source


  1. great article! I would've posted this on my facebook to increase this kind of awareness, if only I hadn't deleted my account. oh well. great post nonetheless. :]

  2. I deleted mine recently, too! And thank you! (:
