8 Ways to De-Stress This Semester

With school in full force, you might be feeling a little stressed. Here are a few things you can do to relieve the stress if you find yourself finished what you need to do and not ready to fall asleep yet:

• Take some time to read a book and take a break from your computer

• Color! It may sound childish but it’s a great stress reliever. You can find some great patterns online that are beyond the farm animal and princess pictures. One great website to check out is Patterns For Colouring where people submit their own patterns.

• Re-watch a show you love. "LOST" and "Gilmore Girls" are some great ones to re-watch, just be careful to not get too absorbed in it.

• Listen to your iTunes library on shuffle and listen to music you’ve accumulated over the years. Sometimes it’s great to hear “Be a Man” from Mulan and then” Take Me Out” by Franz Ferdinand.

• Discover an easy and quick recipe online, then make it!

• Make a collage with that stack of fashion magazines you have piling up.

• Organize your room differently.

• Launch a blog on something you are interested in.

These will surely help you get through these last few stressful weeks.

By: Brooke Stuart | Images: Weheartit

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