Every College Girl's On-The-Go Kit

So I know that I can't be the only girl who's running around like a crazy person around campus during the day. Between classes, rehearsals, volunteer work and friends life can get a little hectic! To help keep me going through the day I like to always carry around a small makeup bag full of products that will keep me looking fresh and polished, even though I may feel stressed and frazzled on the inside! Here are some things that I like to keep in my school bag at all times for those days when I need a little extra help:

Bobbi pins or hair ties:
These little guys are lifesavers! If I'm having a bad hair day I can just throw it up in a messy bun or pin my bangs back. This can help keep unruly hair out of my face so it's easier to concentrate in class.

Powder compact:
I prefer to get a compact with a mirror, so this is kind of like a two-in-one. I can dust powder on any oily areas of my skin and use the mirror to apply the rest of my on-the-go essentials.

Lip gloss/balm:
Try a tinted one to add moisture to your lips and give your face a glow!

Hand lotion:
Dry hands are one of my pet peeves, so I always make sure I have a small bottle of lotion on hand.

Cream blusher or bronzer:
Depending on the shade you choose, you can use on of these guys as a blush/bronzer, a cream eye shadow and/or a lip color. Plus, you don't even need to carry around a brush to apply it - fingers are your best friends here.

Personally, I cannot stand the sound of gum chewing, but I like fresh breath. Altoids or any brand that you prefer can make your breath fresh without the annoying smacking sound.

Mini Perfume:
You know those sample sized perfumes that you get when you order from Sephora? I always keep a few in my bag for those days when I forgot to apply perfume in the morning. I don't know about you guys, but I always feel more put-together when I smell nice, so this is a must-have for me!

Band-aid Blister Block: 
This little guy will make any shoe stop rubbing against your heel! I've saved myself from so many blisters with this little guy. I've heard that Vaseline works well to, but I like this solid stick form - no mess.

What do you guys like to carry around with you?

By Kelly Courington | Photo: weheartit.com