Five Tips to Landing an Incredible Internship

Wondering what to do in order to obtain a great internship? Follow these tips and you should be headed in the right direction.

Tip #1: Stay in touch with the people you meet.

Whether we’d like to admit it or not, connections account for receiving many positions in today’s society. That being said, it is very important to keep in touch with people who could potentially be your employers. Even if it’s just an occasional check-up with them to see how they're doing, you're still keeping your name in their minds and they will remember you. Take an interest in them. Praise them for recent work they’ve done that you’ve enjoyed. Let them know what you’ve been up to. Anything you can say to make your name stick in their minds will help.

Tip #2: Always be looking for internship opportunities.
Sometimes interns will drop out or decide to stop interning in the middle of their term, leaving companies with open positions to fill. Internships are always becoming available. You just have to look for them. Don’t panic, either. Companies work on different schedules, thus, they may not respond back to you as quickly as you would like. There are always opportunities available…somewhere. The key is just figuring out how to find them and not giving up your search.

Tip #3: Have a resume and clips ready at all times.
It’s very important to have a professional resume that you can give to potential bosses. Make sure it is clear, concise and error-free. It’s also useful to have samples of your work available. Some may want paper copies, and some may want online copies. Have both. No matter what, always be sure you are able to talk about the clips you have selected. If you submit samples of your work, you will most likely be questioned about them in the interview.

Tip #4: Do your research.
Before applying to a company, you need to be up-to-date on what the company is all about and the values and goals they hold. Going in without any idea will make you look stupid and will ultimately be a waste of their time, as well as yours. Know the directors or executives. Know the major issues they address. Be able to reference specific projects or issues they’ve conquered and be able to explain why and what you liked about them. If you reference specifics, the interviewer will be able to tell that you have done your research and really do want to land a position with their company. To land the spot you want, you've to put in some effort.

Tip #5: Make yourself stand out.
Companies receive so many resumes and cover letters that you need to make sure your resume and cover letter stand out, so you will land the position. With cover letters, especially, we have the ability to be creative. So why not take advantage of it? Your cover letter is the perfect spot to really make yourself stand out. Show your personality. Stray away from the traditional guidelines. People evaluating applications get sick of reading the generic cover letter saying how much someone wants to work for their company. Tell a story or a new idea you have for the company. Anything apart from the norm will make your application different from the rest and will stick out. Also, remember, to SHOW not TELL. Telling is boring. Showing is detailed, specific and INTERESTING.

Take in mind these five tips in preparing for your next internship. Make sure that you're prepared and showcasing yourself in the best light. Be professional, motivated and determined. But, most importantly, BE YOURSELF.

By Liz Stratman | Photo by

1 comment:

  1. Nice article. These are some VERY useful tips, thanks for sharing Liz!
