It's Not Over Yet: Motivation After Thanksgiving Break

Unfortunately, breaks must come to an end. Enduring the last couple weeks of the semester is a brutal challenge for many of us. Waking up to an annoying and unwanted alarm clock that takes us away from a nice dream and making us come out of blankets and covers is nothing admirable, but it must be done.

"I don’t want to go to class," you might say. Or, "I’m so tired…Agh, why must I get up??" Instead of the negative attitude and being cranky, think about positive things. Don’t be a grump, because no one likes a grump. You’ll bring down others and dim everyone’s day. Instead, strive to be that friend or stranger who makes others smile and bring happiness on what may seem to be another, horrible day of classes.

Yes, coming back from Thanksgiving break is painful, but just remember: only two (or three) weeks until you get to go home for almost a month! It’s worth the struggles—build up perseverance knowing that you can and will make it through finals week.

You will ace your tests, because you will have studied long and hard for them. Limit your stress and worries, because it will decrease your ability to do well on your exams. Eat healthy, exercise for at least 30 minutes each day—it’s a great stress reliever and takes your mind off of things.

On some down time, during a weekend, or during a study break, make a gift list for all your closest friends and family, make some Christmas (or birthday?) cards! Write a letter or create some ornaments/decorations for your dorm (or apartment). Be creative, enjoy the season.

Dress up. OK, so maybe it’s not the best time to be thoughtful about your appearance, especially when you’re spending your life in the library or study room, but if you continue to take care of yourself, it’ll give you a mood booster and heighten your self-esteem. There’s nothing better than feeling confident in such a time as this. Play up your fall wardrobe…feels like winter is already here! If you do not have a desire to maintain such an appearance, then work the sweats. Anyone can look cute in sweats—honestly. A nice ponytail, a little makeup, comfy sweats and you’re set.

Now is not the time to procrastinate. Encourage yourself and your friends/classmates to get homework, readings, and/or papers done before they begin to pile up. You’ll thank yourself later when you can spend more time relaxing knowing that you have already completed your work.

If you do this, you’ll have the opportunity to get a head start on studying for finals, even though that’s such an awful thought. But I’m sure it will pay off when you’re sitting in the classroom with a pencil in hand as you begin to take your final exam. We’re almost there…one semester down, one more to go.

By: Laura Good | Image: Weheartit

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