Style Watch: Statement Sweaters

When I was in grade school, I remember having the coolest sweater ever (or so I thought at the time). It was wool, light gray, super chunky and had a huge shaggy dog’s face plastered on the front. To make it more awesome, there were even pieces of yarn for the hair! Receiving compliments from all my teachers, my sweater was quite the crowd pleaser. Despite the affection I had for my shaggy dog sweater, I eventually ditched it and moved on to more practical, “big girl” sweaters. I forgot all about my prized sweater until recently when I noticed similar ones popping up online and at my favorite stores. From high-end designers such as Moschino and Mulberry to budget friendly stores like Forever 21, statement sweaters are making a major comeback this fall and winter.

In a season that is often characterized by drab weather and frigid temperatures, sometimes a quirky statement is completely necessary. From understated polka dots and colored-in heart motifs to fun catch phrases such as “Ooh La-La!,” there is a sweater for every personality. Regardless of your style, you can work statement sweaters into your wardrobe. Whether you pair them with your favorite jeans or skirts (with tights of course!), the result will be equally chic.

Bring out the inner child in you and invest in one (or all!) of these statement-worthy sweaters!

With striped sweaters being a wardrobe staple, why not wear one with a cartoon animal or whimsical illustration!

Forever 21 ($19.80), Forever 21 ($19.80)

Sweaters with textual statements really show off your personality. Find the quintessential phrase, term or quote to match your mood for the day and you’re set!

Pixie Market ($135.00), Sonia by Sonia Rykiel ($345) – Net-A-Porter

Cute animals or your favorite Disney pals – just what you need to brighten up a cold and dreary winter day!

PJ by Peter Jensen ($88) – Urban Outfitters, H&M ($29.95)

Show some love this season with a subtle heart sweater! Wear it with skinny leg jeans or a feminine skirt and be ready to make a statement.

Although this is a super quirky and comical sweater, you can make it chic by pairing it with classic pieces such as a pleated white skirt, loafers and a black wool coat.

A festive (and insanely expensive) sweater perfect for holiday-themed parties!

Moschino ($875) – Net-A-Porter

So fashionistas, what is your take on the statement sweater? Playful and fun or completely ridiculous?

By: Anjerika Wilmer | Images: Respective clothing websites

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