Breakout electro-grunge band PixiKill is the next big thing! Small town sisters Jewel and Blaire Resteneo have always loved music and performing, so when they decided to form their own band everything just seemed to fall into place. Since Blaire and Jewel started making music with Mike Kimchi, Chris Norwood and Victor Trevino in L.A., they have been having a blast. After the group released their hotly-anticipated debut E.P. “The Luring” last summer, they have been working on a full-length album, and it is definitely “going to be great” says Jewel!
So who should you check out PixiKill’s music? Not only are their songs catchy and fun to listen to, they also have a great beat, trendy melody and lyrics that you can relate to! Jewel and Blaire channeled all of their experiences with friends (both positive and negative) into their song writing in the hopes of turning out music that shows they are “honest” and “relatable,” a winning combination!
Overall PixiKill’s tunes are a must-have for your music library. Their current E.P. “The Luring” is incredible, and their album will be undoubtedly even better! Learn more about life as a part of the PixiKill crew, performing in live shows and the band’s future plans from one of PixiKill’s lead singers, Jewel Restaneo...
Life In A Band

JR: My sister Blaire and I have been singing in the industry since we were very young. Eight years ago we moved to L.A. and began song writing. We had a vision for what we wanted for a band, and it went from there.
What is the hardest part of being in a band?
JR: Definitely it is not all rainbows and unicorns. It is complicated when people have different opinions, and of course there is conflict at times. There are times when we disagree, and that is the biggest thing to tackle.
What’s the most rewarding part of being in a band?
JR: There are no words to describe it; it is just so amazing to share the experience with other people. It is great because every day you are working with friends.
JR: There are no words to describe it; it is just so amazing to share the experience with other people. It is great because every day you are working with friends.
If you could switch lives with someone else in you band who would it be?
JR: This is pretty crazy, but I’d switch with my sister! I think there would be a huge difference, and I think it would be a lot of fun.
What was it like picking your band name?
JR: When it came to it and we had to pick a band name, we had papers and papers of ideas, and I don’t remember any of them. PixikIll just sort of always stuck.
E.P. “The Luring”
Do you have a favorite song on your E.P.?
JR: It is a tie between “Ninja,” which I think is a really cool and energetic song, and “Banshee” because I think the melody is crazy, which I love!
What song on “The Luring” do you relate to the most?
JR: I would have to say all of them. They have all come from personal experiences, but in particular “Chameleon” is one song I think everyone can relate to. It is a song about people who try to conform to what others are doing, and they try to get you to that, too…like a clique. I don’t want to be a part of that, and I hate when people do that. It is always so obvious. Everyone can relate to something like that in some way.
Song Writing
What inspired you to write one of your favorite songs on your E.P., “Banshee?”
JR: It is a song about when a relationship is over and you have to move on. I feel like it was a song about accepting your current reality, and that was something I wanted to write about.
Do you and your sister write music together?
JR: People always assume that we write together, but we write separately. We like to go off on our own and work on stuff and then come together to perfect it. It is super fun, and there is no pressure.
Do you have a favorite place to write music?
JR: I write a lot of my songs in the studio out in my backyard.
JR: I write a lot of my songs in the studio out in my backyard.
Why is writing you own music important to you as opposed to singing cover pieces?
JR: I think when you write and record your music a certain honesty comes through, especially in live shows. You feel the lyrics more, you feel the melody more and you feel the music more. When it is your own song, you have a deeper connection to it.

JR: There are a lot of good things, but the biggest thing is when someone says they enjoyed a song or they can relate. That is the most rewarding thing. Even at shows a simple smile sends me over the moon; to know I have impacted someones day is amazing!
How has being in the music industry changed your life?
JR: It hasn’t been an average life for me. I have been working at this since I was a baby. I haven’t had the whole normal life, go to school everyday type of life. It has been different and hard for me to relate to people on some levels. It has changed my life in a way that is acceptance to the abnormal.
JR: It hasn’t been an average life for me. I have been working at this since I was a baby. I haven’t had the whole normal life, go to school everyday type of life. It has been different and hard for me to relate to people on some levels. It has changed my life in a way that is acceptance to the abnormal.
Who are your musical inspirations?
JR: We listen to a lot of Indie electronic rock bands. Big influences are Rock Party and Miike Snowe. We love the electronic element of their songs.
Has your taste in music evolved since releasing “The Luring?”
JR: Yes! I’ve learned to love more electronic elements. I used to be into a lot of pop rock, but that entered into pop-electro (which is what the E.P. is), but I have been listening to some crazy dance mixes recently too, which I like as well.
JR: Yes! I’ve learned to love more electronic elements. I used to be into a lot of pop rock, but that entered into pop-electro (which is what the E.P. is), but I have been listening to some crazy dance mixes recently too, which I like as well.

How does performing on stage make you feel?
JR: There is no feeling like it. I get such an adrenaline rush before going on stage. I like theatrical performances, and when I go all out, I feel like the shows are at their best.
JR: There is no feeling like it. I get such an adrenaline rush before going on stage. I like theatrical performances, and when I go all out, I feel like the shows are at their best.
What is your favorite thing you have ever worn to perform in?
JR: One time we ripped up our clothes and put fake blood on them, so we looked like zombies. It was pretty crazy and a lot of fun.
JR: One time we ripped up our clothes and put fake blood on them, so we looked like zombies. It was pretty crazy and a lot of fun.
What do you think about while you perform?
JR: My mind drifts when I perform. Emotions influence what I think about a lot, but the audience’s reactions to what I am doing is also always on my mind.
JR: My mind drifts when I perform. Emotions influence what I think about a lot, but the audience’s reactions to what I am doing is also always on my mind.
Are you nervous before you go on stage?
JR: Yes, I am nervous! It would not be normal if I was not anxious before a performance.
JR: Yes, I am nervous! It would not be normal if I was not anxious before a performance.
Next Steps
What are PixiKill’s plans for this year?
JR: We are going to take this year by storm! We are working on the album and a lot more music videos as well.
JR: We are going to take this year by storm! We are working on the album and a lot more music videos as well.
Who do you hope to work with in the future?
JR: We would love to work with any of our influences. I would love to collaborate with Miike Snow.
What should fans be looking out for in the future?
JR: A great, full-length album, more touring (we want to go international!) and more videos. We want to be as creative as we possible can and hope to turn out a lot of content for our fans.
JR: A great, full-length album, more touring (we want to go international!) and more videos. We want to be as creative as we possible can and hope to turn out a lot of content for our fans.
I am obsessed with the Pixis! Great article and amazing interview.....
ReplyDeleteHow interesting to see these lovely young girls working so hard to achive their goal in life and having such a good time. I wish them all the best in life.