What Do You Find Attractive? Our Favorites from #IFindThatAttractive

Last night, Twitter was trending with the topic #IFindThatAttractive. Here are our favorites from both the guys and the ladies on what's attractive:

From the Guys

  • When you're in your chill clothes, no makeup, just being you. #IFindThatAttractive
  • A sense of humor #IFindThatAttractive
  • #IFindThatAttractive if you work and school at the same time. Shows me you wanna be something in life
  • When you're doing your own thing and not worrying about the rest. #IFindThatAttractive
  • a woman who knows her selfworth #IFindThatAttractive
  • Intelligence #IFindThatAttractive

From the Ladies

  • Someone that actually talks on the phone rather than texting all the time #IFindThatAttractive
  • #IFindThatAttractive You understand my faults and look past them!
  • #IFindThatAttractive When guys are so thoughtful and are willing to do special cute stuff for you.
  • Boys who are tall, smart, funny, and good smelling. #IFindThatAttractive
  • #IFindThatAttractive when you hold my hand in public and call me babe.
  • #IFindThatAttractive when a guy cares about school and his future.
  • A man who takes care of his responsibilities #IFindThatAttractive

What do you find attractive? Let us know!

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