Healthy Habits: Low-Fat, Low-Calorie Meals

This summer, try these easy and delicious recipes for a low-calorie and low-fat meal! Here are some of my favorites.


-Two slices of multi-grain toast (140 cal/slice)
-1/2 avocado (about 75-100 cals depending on size)
-Tomato (as much as you want) (25 cals/1 tomato)
-Spinach (as much as you want) (7 cals/cup)
-1 egg (70 cals/whole egg or about 16 cals/egg white)

Take one slice of toast and load it with the spinach. Then, top it with tomatoes and avocados! Add some salt if you want, and you’ve got a part of a really delicious breakfast. Take the other slice of toast and top it with an egg, however you like them, and then add salt and pepper (or my favorite, Red Hot, which has no calories). Sounds simple, but it’s delicious.


-One large pita round (170 cal)
-2 tbsp. tomato paste (50 cal)
-Tomato (as much as you want) (25 cal/1 tomato)
-Spinach (as much as you want) (7 cals/cup)
-Low-fat cottage cheese (80 cals/ ½ cup)

Take the pita round and top it with the tomato paste or sauce, if you prefer that. Add the spinach on top and feel free to add as much of that as you want! It’ll be crunchy, and it’ll give it more substance. Put the tomato on top, and be as generous as you want with that, too—the more the better. Finally, top it all off with some cottage cheese, and pop it in the microwave until it’s all gooey and delicious. Easy, quick and yummy!


-1 bowl of mixed greens (however much you want)
-All the veggies you could possibly want (calories varied, but inconsequential)
-1/2 green apple (about 20 cals)
-1 handful of dried cranberries 130 cals/ a third of a cup)
-Olive oil (120 cals/tablespoon)
-Balsamic vinegar (30 cals/2 tablespoons)
-Flax seeds (50 cals/tablespoon)
-Deli turkey (50 cals/3-4 slices)

This is your salad for the day that is packed with fruits, vegetables and protein. With the veggies you like and sweetness of the fruits, you’re in for a treat!

These meals are quick, easy to make and healthy! For easy and light meals to get you to go to the beach this summer, try these recipes and see how delicious they can be!

By: Michelle Chang | Image: Source | Source: Livestrong


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