How to Turn Blogging Into a Career: Part 2 - Monetizing Your Blog

In Part 1, we discussed how to get your personal blog up and running. Now, we’re going to cover how to start monetizing your blog and turning it into a career prospect.

First and foremost, you need to publish interesting, relevant and even controversial posts. The best way to begin is to stay hot on the pop culture trail. Find popular blogs and write rebuttals. Link back to their blog posts and use keywords in your tags.

Second, you need to develop relationships with other bloggers. Start following blogs that you enjoy reading. Make an effort to comment at least once a week. And make your comments genuine. If you have nothing to say other than shameless promoting, I urge you to keep your comments to yourself.

This is great and all, but how are you going to get readers? Simple! Well... sort of.

  • Giveaways: We all love free stuff. So the best way to get new readers that will be excited about visiting your blog is to give away “lustworthy” items. I suggest having a “Giveaway Fridays” or doing a giveaway once every two weeks or each month. 
  • Blogger Events: Fashion? Travel? Dating? Techy? There is a blogger meet-up for you! Go and network. The only way to get your blog read is to let people know that you exist. Make friends! 
  • Commenting: Start commenting on your go-to blogs. Include your link either at the end of your post or in the comment form. 
  • Controversy: Have an opinion! Read something in the blogosphere that really grinds your gears? Write about it and link back to the original post. 
  • Write: Have a favorite online magazine? Ask if you can write for them or do a guest post. Get your name out there. Google searching people is so common, people are bound to “stalk” you! 
  • Good ‘Ole Email: Have a crush on a few blogs? Tell them. There is nothing like flattery to win you the gold! 

Third, you will need to determine how you're going to generate revenue for you new blog. Below are some options to consider.
  • Selling Ad Space: If you do a quick review of the major blogs that you read, you’ll probably notice that there are a few ads on the left and/or right columns! This is a great way to monetize your blog and become affiliates with local and national brands! You’ll have to come up with a package or a few different package types and sell ad space on your blog. 
  • Sponsored Posting: This is a great way to not only develop relevant content, but also to create market ties! Selling sponsored posting is a great way to write about products or brands that you love. 
  • Sell Yourself: Are you a blogger by night, but a marketing student by day? Sell your skills. Have a “Hire Me!” page, and include a link to an online portfolio. If you’re great at graphic design, coding, writing, marketing, or any other internet-friendly skill, then sell your talent through your blog. 

By: Danielle Mair | Image: Weheartit


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