Not sure what to pack for your dorm? Have an idea but don’t want to spend a ton of money? Here is your ultimate guide on what to pack for college, of five items under $25! And even if you've already moved into your cramped, little dorm, these are still great items to add to your new humble abode!
Storage Containers: Since you’ll be living in an extra small space for the next nine months, chances are you’ll need extra storage space. These containers are a very stylish option thanks to their bright and fun colors. You can even stack them for even more space. You can fit school supplies, shoes, books, and more in these containers.
Sterilite Storage Box, 12 for $26
Lamp: You will need a desk lamp since you’ll be living with a roommate. If your roommate goes to bed earlier than you, this is perfect so you can do your late-night homework or studying. This desk lamp also provides a base to keep school supplies in. There is even a storage compartment for your MP3 player!
Boston Harbor Table Lamp, $12.29
Towel Wrap: Since your shower will be a little further away than what you’re used to at home, you will need a towel wrap. These are perfect for walking from the shower to your room. You don’t have to worry about it falling down like you would with a towel, because it has straps. The ruffle on the top makes it a little more stylish, too.
Women's Terry Cotton Towel Wrap
Rubbermaid Foldable Laundry Hamper
Mirror: Most dorms don’t come with a mirror, so the closest mirror will be in the bathroom. When you have an 8 a.m. class, who wants to share a mirror? This mirror goes over the door, so you can hang it on your closet and check out your outfit super quickly.
Target mirror, $24.99
These are five must-have items for a dorm! Put these on your checklist, and your dorm room will be feeling “homey” in no time.
By: Meg Bauer
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