Five Websites to Help Guide You to Your Dream Internship

As college a girl, there are so many steps to being successful that it can get tiring trying to accomplish them all. The one daunting task that most girls set out to find and conquer: internships. Some people have their mind set on one company, and others go into the process open-minded, looking for a way to vamp up their resume. It’s easy to feel lost in the process, so CG is here to share five websites with you that are bound to make your life easier as you begin your internship-searching process.

The first website we're going to share with you is vital to not only your internship searching, but to your career as well. You guessed it: LinkedIn! LinkedIn is such an incredible place to network, find opportunities and meet other driven college girls and professionals! LinkedIn is the Facebook of the professional world, allowing you to ultimately build your resume on your online profile. We’ve found LinkedIn to be so helpful in college thus far, and we know you will too!

Intern Queen
A website that is completely underrated but immensely helpful is Intern Queen. “Intern Queen” Lauren Berger has searched and connected with industries of all kinds to form a database of internship opportunities across the country. From PR to fashion to publishing, you’re sure to find an internship that fits your criteria on the Intern Queen website. The site also has tons of tips and tricks from Berger herself, so be sure to pick up some advice from her!
Like LinkedIn, allows you to build an online profile and upload your resume. feels more personal than LinkedIn because it is less of a social networking site. It serves as a gateway among your resume and the actual internship applications. To start building your profile, you simply upload your skillset and your resume. You then search for internships by the type of company name and the site leads you to an application. The best part of it all? By creating your profile, allows your profile to be seen every time you apply for an internship through their site. Think of it as the Common App of the internship world. You add your resume and create your profile once, and it’s all set for employers to view ... every time!

This next website doesn’t necessarily fit in with the objective of the others, but we promise it will be vital to your search and pursuit of an internship. will give employers a better idea of your personality and your career objectives through a website of your own creation. Also, you can store a lot of your past projects or writing on Wordpress, making it an ideal tool to help you show off and get organized! It’s the perfect tool for creating an online portfolio, making it easy for you to demonstrate your skills to prospective employers.
Lastly, if you’re looking for an internship to suit your needs and your personality, make sure to visit Not only does this site have internship postings, but it also lets you bookmark postings to review later and save your favorite searches. On, you can sign up to receive daily emails of listings that apply to you and your internship needs. No pun intended: this website is ideal for organizing your internship search.

We know this process can be daunting but, if you browse through and use these websites, you are bound to find success. And with that being said, good luck girls! Keep your eyes on the prize.

By: Ali Benveniste | Image: Pinterest

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