How to Create a Thrifty Halloween Costume

As a college student, living out the “best years of your life” is always on your mind, especially around Halloween. However, it can be an expensive time and budget restraints can put a serious damper on this quirky holiday.

To keep up with the competition, you will need to get creative. If you’re having trouble coming up with costume ideas, here are some awesome costumes that are inexpensive to create:

Barbie: Dressing up as Barbie requires very little effort. Decide which type of Barbie you want to be (workout, vintage, beach); get the proper attire; and purchase a Barbie-esque lip color (red or pink is best). Take this costume to the next level by getting flexible wire from a craft store and creating a Barbie nametag.

The Fantanas: This is a fun group costume and simple to create. There are four Fantana colors: pink (strawberry), yellow (pineapple), orange and purple (grape). Choose your color and with the coordinating colored fabric, create a toga-like dress. And of course, you wouldn’t be a Fantana without the Fanta that matches your costume as a prop. There are several ways to create this costume, but this is an inexpensive option.

Sexy Mario and Luigi: Wear a basic pair of fitted jeans with suspenders with a red or green shirt. If you’re having trouble finding suspenders or an overall set, try a thrift store. The only costume props you’ll need to purchase is a plunger, which you can find at a local dollar store, and get a cheap baseball cap to match your top.

A few more tips for successfully creating a thrifty costume:

  1. Be resourceful—make a trip to your local thrift shop, raid your friend’s closets and check clearance sections at costume stores.
  2. Be as creative as you want with your costume. If you chose to piggyback off of a common costume idea, be sure to add a personal touch and props.
  3. Enjoy yourself! Halloween is all about having fun.
Are you dressing up for Halloween this year? Will you be creating your own DIY costume? Leave any ideas or suggestions in the comments below.

By: Kiarra Sylvester | Image: Source

1 comment:

  1. Great tips. I love seeing all the DIY costumes, they are definitely more fun than the store bought ones. <3

    Sexy Little Things
