How to Throw a Clothing Swap Party

As the season changes and the temperature drops we find ourselves shopping again for new clothes, but if you’re living within a college student’s budget, this task can sometimes be difficult. A clothing swap party is a fabulous way to get a bunch of friends together and update your wardrobe … all without spending very much money!

There are many ways to run a swap party, but here are a few tips and suggestions that will help you throw your own swap party without a hitch!

First, clothing swaps require some preparation on the part of your guests since they need to delve into the depths of their closets. Some guests may need to be notified two to three weeks in advance given their academic and personal schedules. Since some dorm rooms and apartments aren’t that large it’s best to stick to inviting fewer than 10 people, unless you have more room (then the sky’s the limit!).

Second, let your friends know the exact purpose of the party. Letting them know why you’re having a clothing swap party gets them excited about cleaning out their closets. Get your friends even more interested in attending by saying you’ll be willing to swap that little black dress they’ve been eyeing for their colorful crop top.

Next, encourage your friends to bring a minimum of five pieces to switch and swap. Be sure to specify what kind of clothes you are looking for. This can be specified by season by stating “fall/winter items only.”

Designate “dressing room” areas where guests can try on clothing. A small bathroom or even a corner made semi-private area with curtains works. Be sure that it’s well-lit and that you have mirrors available (at least one full-length) so everyone can see how their new finds look. Have a flat table or bed where guests can display folded items like pants and sweaters. Shoes can go on the floor or on a different surface.

Have plenty of shopping bags available (Wal-Mart bags, trash bags, tote bags and backpacks all work great) so that guests can easily bring home their new finds.

Beyond a good excuse to see your friends, do some free shopping and doing something good for the environment, clothing swaps are also a great way to donate to a worthy charity without writing a check. Pick a charity to donate the leftover clothing to the day after the party. (And yes, there will definitely be leftover clothing.) Goodwill and Salvation Army stores can easily be found around the country. Many suburban grocery stores also have clothing drop-off boxes in their parking lots, or you can check in with your church or a nearby women’s shelter to see if they accept clothing donations.

Most importantly, remember to enjoy yourself! There is no reason why you shouldn't be a guest at your own party. As a bonus, the hostess gets one last glance at all the leftover clothing before it gets donated. Happy switching and swapping!

By: Alexis Reliford | Image: Source

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1 comment :

  1. This is such an amazingly fantastic idea! I can't to try this out!


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