4 Products That Will Repair Sun Damage While It's Winter

Summer is long gone, but the summer sun you indulged in might have wreaked chaos on your hair and skin. Fortunately, you can repair the multiple effects of summer havoc, ranging from dry hair to dull skin, and prevent further damage.

Hair Care

Going to the beach and swimming in the salty water and spending time indoors with the air conditioner on high, might have caused your hair’s frizziness, dullness and brittleness to increase. If your hair is stressed out to the max, the best thing to do is get a trim.

Healthy hair starts at the scalp. You can add moisture back into your locks by using moisturizing shampoos and conditioners and hair treatments. One of the best treatments on a budget is Aussie Moist 3 Minute Miracle Deeeeep Conditioner ($7.70, Amazon).

Although hair treatments keep your tresses looking vibrant, tending to the ends must be a long-term priority for any girl, especially during the dry winter days to come. During the upcoming months, avoid using heat whenever possible. Taking a scalding hot shower can dry out your hair and scalp, causing dandruff and brittle-looking strands. If you apply heat for styling, always use a heat protectant. A protectant that beats any product, high end or otherwise, is Tresemmé Thermal Creations Heat Tamer Spray ($7.47, Amazon.com).

Biggest Beauty Sins

Aside from taking care of your mane, you must pay careful attention to your largest organ: your skin! The two worst beauty sins you can make  is throwing away your sunscreen and getting into a tanning bed to maintain your bronze look. To avoid these pitfalls, you should apply that summer sunscreen everyday! Yes, even when it’s raining! Remember ladies: reapply, reapply, REAPPLY!

There is no need to jump into a tanning bed to preserve your color. If you prefer bronze skin, use tanning lotions. There are thousands of excellent tanning lotions with vitamin E and/or other moisturizing ingredients that are vital in the wintertime. Two of the best are Xen-Tan Deep Bronze Luxe, ($40, Zappos), and a more budget conscious option, Jergens Natural Glow Revitalizing Daily Moisturizer ($6.99, Amazon).

Skin Care

While nobody can really question the importance of wearing sunscreen these days, another highly important step in your skin care routine is exfoliation. Exfoliating diminishes dark spots that may have surfaced from acne or time spent soaking up the sun by eliminating the dead skin cells that have left your complexion looking dull. Also, exfoliating your body with a delicious smelling body scrub will minimize dryness, adding smoothness and radiance back into your skin. Exfoliating once a week is enough in the cold months!

The last and most important step in skin care is to moisturize. This includes you ladies with oily skin, too! Moisturizing your face is the best step you can take in anti-aging, along with hydrating your body with eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. A cult favorite that is sure to hydrate your skin is the Philosophy Hope in Jar ($39, SkinStore). After exfoliating, your moisturizer will better penetrate layers of skin and give you that healthy glow.

Remember that sunscreen is applied after moisturizing. Slather on your sunscreen! This is a time you can cake it on your face. Don’t forget to apply lotion to the rest of your body -- your feet, hands and face are the fastest-aging areas. Sunscreen and moisturizers will be your saviors!

By: Ivanna Coello

1 comment:

  1. Damn this hole in the ozone! Sunscreen all day everyday, thanks Ivanna!
