Foodie: How to Make Mexican Enchiladas

Authentic Mexican cuisine may seem few and far between around the average college campus. Escape from the dreary mess of Mexican fast food restaurants by creating this masterpiece of a meal in your own home or dorm kitchen. This family recipe features a special homemade sauce that puts a personal touch on your finished dish that will be sure to wow your friends and roommates.

Enchiladas originally hail from Mexico and may be dated as far back as the era of the Mayans. They were mentioned in the first Mexican cookbook in 1831, "El Cocinero Mexicano."

The following recipe can be altered in countless ways. Add veggies, beans, other types of meat, or try varying levels of spice to heat up your finished dish!

  • California chiles (dried)
  • 2 cloves of garlic (minced)
  • 40-50 corn or flour tortillas
  • 1 can of tomato paste
  • 1 lb. of shredded chicken
  • 3-4 large potatoes
  • Any amount of cheddar cheese
  • Vegetable oil

1. Slice open the chiles to spoon out the seeds and put them in a pot to boil. California chiles are pretty mild, so if you want to add more spice to this recipe, try substituting these with New Mexico chiles. Peel and boil the potatoes in a second pot.

2. Put the boiled chilies, tomato paste and garlic in a blender with a small amount of water (about 1/4 cup) and blend to make the sauce. Keep adding water until you’ve reached your perfect consistency.

3. Put each tortilla in a pan with oil to brown. Let each one cool before moving forward. In a second pan, begin heating the sauce.

4. Dip each tortilla in the enchilada sauce and fill with any amount of chicken and potatoes. Roll each enchilada up into a tube shape and place next to each other on a baking sheet. Fit as many enchiladas on the sheet as possible -- they should be touching each other. Sprinkle as much cheddar cheese as you’d like on top and put in the oven for about 10 minutes at 250 degrees, or until the cheese melts.

These are easy to make, don’t take much time and are a cheap way to feed a house full of hungry college kids -- plus, they make great leftovers. Serve this dish with guacamole, sour cream, rice and any other favorite sides for the full effect of a terrifically caliente Mexican feast.

By: Rachel Davidson | Images: Source, Rachel Davidson

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