Is the "Jersey Shore" Cast Finally Growing Up?

From Miami to Italy and back to the Shore house, the roommates have been nothing but scandalous. It makes us nostalgic to see Mike Sorrentino and Snooki (A.K.A. Nicole Polizzi) seeking normalcy, but nevertheless, it makes us proud viewers.

It makes sense that MTV announced Season Five as the last season of “Jersey Shore.” Maybe the maturing housemates have lost their magic.

Snooki has graduated from being “most likely to end up in jail” to “most improved.”

It was shocking to watch her make the right decision and decline Jionni’s offer to go party at Karma with her roommates. We were sure that nothing would have stopped the old Snooki from dancing.

Like Snooki, Mike also cleaned up his attitude and entered the house sober for the first time since Season One. In the premiere episode, he showed his roommates just how serious he is about sobriety during an outing at Karma in which he remained clean. And that means MVP is back in action, bro talk and all, with new expressions never heard before.

There’s also a new train wreck in town -- Deena. We love her, but she is “crazypants,” as Snooki called her. Deena has definitely gone through a change of her own. Yes, she has a boyfriend and looks really great, but she is an emotional roller coaster. We wonder if MTV would ever give her a spin-off, but it’s doubtful.

On the first night out, Deena bawled her eyes out over her boyfriend chatting with Vinny (about furniture -- we can’t help but giggle about that!). Sounds crazy! But it really happened. Now that her partner-in-crime Snooki has gone to live by herself, we are excited to watch how she will handle herself this season. One meatball stands alone.

Overall, it seems as if the show has lost some of its “magic.” But it’s worth it; everybody needs to grow up, especially this crazy cast. It only seems right that things would end this way.

By: Ivanna Coello | Image: Source

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