Weekend Fun: Group Dance Lessons

In college, weekends can sometimes become a bit repetitive because of budget restraints. And thinking outside the box for new ideas can be a little tough at times. Don’t let these factors discourage you, dedicate this next weekend to switching it up and go out for dance lessons with your friends. This is inexpensive and a total change of pace from your typical Saturday.

Dance classes are an awesome calorie-burning workout for the day, cost about the same as that "Twilight" movie ticket you purchased and allow you to interact and bond with your friends.

If you aren’t sure where to begin, just follow these simple steps:

1. Search for a local dance studio. Call for details such as the hourly rate for groups and a list of classes offered. The rates are usually around $10 for a minimum group size of eight.

2. Decide which type of dance class you would like to take. There’s a variety of fun dances to choose, from salsa to ballroom.

3. Find a group of friends who are interested and figure out a transportation system. Carpooling is a convenient and cost-efficient way to make sure everyone gets there.

4. Call back. You called before for details, but you’ll want to call the dance studio back and reserve a time and date for your lessons.

It’s that simple! Dance your way through a fantastic weekend.

By: Kiarra Sylvester | Image: Source

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