Study Abroad: 5 Ways to Spend Christmas Abroad

Spending Christmas abroad sounds like a dream come true. However, if you’re studying abroad and can’t go home due to finances or flight mishaps, you may need some extra help getting into the holly, jolly Christmas vibe!

Christmas Movies
The easiest, most inexpensive thing you can do is watch the classic Christmas movies. Catch “Frosty The Snowman,” “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and “A Charlie Brown Christmas” online or through Netflix.

Enjoy the Magic of Theater
Check out your local theater guide! If they have any Christmas shows on, take this as the go-ahead to submerge yourself in over-the-top sing-a-long Christmas cheer!

Get Involved
Local soup kitchen, a Christmas diaper drive, hampers for the homeless... make your holiday count and look into volunteering for this or any other organization this Christmas. With a quick Google search, you can be on your way to getting involved and being around jolly people but also giving back!

There’s nothing more comforting than Christmas cookies or cakes! Bake some cookies while singing along to the best Christmas tunes you can find! Also, you’ll be able to treat yourself when you munch down and enjoy all that hard festive work.

Cook a Feast for One
Christmas is the time for good food, hands down. A homecooked meal with all the trimmings is just what you need to shake those “home-for-Christmas-if-only-in-my-dreams” holiday blues. Call your parents for those special family recipes, or head to the store with College Gloss’ Christmas grocery list and try out the two recipes below:

Chicken with Veggies
2 boneless chicken breasts
1 capsule chicken stock
1/2 teaspoon garlic (fresh or seasoning)
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1/2 teaspoon rosemary
1/2 cup flour
2 large carrots
2 medium potatoes
1 leek
1 medium onion
1 bottle of presco, moscato, or sparkling wine

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
2. Chop potatoes, leek, onion and carrots. Place in the bottom of the pan. Add 1/3 teaspoon of butter.
3. Prepare your spice mix by mixing together thyme, garlic, rosemary and flour. Once mixed, put on a plate or into a plastic ziplock bag. Coat chicken breasts in the mixture. Place chicken into the pan.
4. Heat 3/4 cups of water and add chicken stock to the mixture. Mix until the stock has dissolved. Pour stock mixture over chicken and vegetables.
5. Cover pan and place in oven for approximately 45 minutes.

Cookie Ice-Cream Sandwich
1 package chocolate chip cookies
1 pint of your favorite ice cream

1. Take two chocolate chip cookies and put ice cream on the flat side of one cookie and top with the other cookie.
2. Wrap with plastic wrap and place in freezer.

No matter where you are in the world, you can make spending Christmas alone a positive experience! Take the time to enjoy it, and come up with a few new traditions you can do on your own or with friends.

By: Danielle Mair | Image: Source

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