Five Apps to Keep You Motivated for Anything

Whether you’re a full-time student or you’re working 15 hours a week, everyone needs a little inspiration every once in a while. I’m here to inspire you with just one click. These inspiring apps are available via iPhone, Blackberry and Android. So pick up your smartphone and get inspired!

1. Inspiring Quotes 5000:

This is a little cheesy and cliché, but honestly nothing helps with getting motivated more than pure, raw inspiration. With a variety of quotes and easy-to-use technology, Inspiring Quotes is proof of that.

2. Lose It:

Whether you’re looking to shed five pounds or change your lifestyle and lose 50, Lose It is a great app to help you reach your goal. You enter your goal weight, your current weight and the amount of weight you want to lose per week, and Lose It calculates accordingly. You track your food intake and your exercise, and it automatically logs the calories that have been consumed and burned for that day.

3. Nexercise:

Nexercise is a fitness and weight-loss tracker that allows you to interact and communicate with friends and other people with similar goals. While achieving your fitness-related goals, you can earn points and medals. These incentives are used to motivate smartphone users to reach their fitness goals. Sometimes that extra push or incentive is all you need to help you stay on the road to staying fit and healthy. Count me in!

4. Simple Goals:

Simple Goals tracks and logs your goals and habits, pushing you to stay on track and within routine to achieve your goals. Whether you’re trying to read more, exercise more or eat junk food less, tracking your goals in this app definitely helps. Within the application, you can shake your phone for inspirational quotes that help keep you on track.

5. My Pocket Coach:

My Pocket Coach is a life, wellness and success coach, right in the palm of your hands. The application allows you to customize your goals and the appearance of the app. You can track habits you want to quit and goals you want to achieve, and the Pocket Coach reminds you to stay motivated throughout the process. This app also includes inspirational quotes, guiding you as you aim to achieve your goals. By tracking your goal success with charts, the app truly keeps you motivated and on track!

So whether you’re trying to lose weight, relax or simply look at the world with a more optimistic eye, download these five applications! They’re sure to motivate you.

By: Ali Benveniste | Image: Source

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