Career: How to Ace Your Interview

For many college women, just the thought of an interview causes anxiety. The employer will be connecting your meticulously-crafted resume (that got you the interview in the first place) with you, a real, live person. And chances are, they have several other impressive, qualified candidates. This process presents you with the opportunity (and challenge) to outshine your fellow competition and ace the interview.

Whether you are applying for a part-time, entry-level or post-graduation gig, you must always fully research the organization. Learn everything, the ins and outs, from its founding to its current economic state. Learning about the organization provides you with insightful knowledge about its employee work ethic and how they collaborate on projects and view peculiar situations.

Prepare, practice and plan answers to frequently asked interview questions. These questions are conventionally not difficult but may be slightly harder when put on the spot by the person in the suit. Questions may include:

  • “Why are you the best-suited candidate for this position?”
  • “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”
  • “What has your greatest achievement been?”
  • “Are you a team player?”
  • “How has your previous work experience shaped you into a fit candidate?”

Since you applied for this particular job, you should know these answers. Just rehearse your responses until the words roll off your tongue in a conversational manner.

Prepare questions for the end of the interview. This is an often-overlooked interview secret but can significantly sway the employer your way. After an interview, the last thing an employer wants to hear is that you have absolutely no questions; something must have piqued your curiosity. Create interesting, captivating questions, piecing together bits of information throughout the interview that will leave a lasting impression.

Just like everything else, practice makes perfect. Remember, the first few interviews will be intimidating, but it will become more natural with time and rehearsal. Don’t forget to smile, and good luck!

By: Claire Walton | Image: Source

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