Check Out the App for Sharing Secrets

The latest student craze? Whisper. If you haven't heard of it yet, Whisper is a social media app that lets students 'whisper' and share secrets anonymously. Students can type in their confessions and upload it onto an image, sort of like a combination of Postsecret and memes.

Whisper not only allows users to be themselves, but it is designed to be a community network. On other social networks, people try to seem perfect. On Whisper, users can be express whatever is on their mind.

Interested in what people are posting?

On the last day of classes:

On stress relief:

On summer plans:

Scared for an internship? You're not the only one:

And summer hopes:

Want to read more? Need to confess something of your own? Don't tell us; that's what Whisper is for.

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