Career Advice: What Not to Say At Work

Words have the extraordinary ability to empower you and grant you a certain distinction from others at any time and place, especially in the workplace. By now through experience, you have realized there are inappropriate phrases for family, friends and distant relationships like, “you look heavy,” and “are you losing your hair?” The old idiom, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me,” could not be any more false in the business world.

The words you meticulously select to craft sentences either highlight or depreciate your character and work ethic. Below are a few phrases College Gloss believes should be permanently prohibited at work and internships.

“I am so hungover from last night.” Just because you are a young college woman does not give you a free pass to act irresponsibly and let it spill over into your work life. Your colleagues may definitely participate in a happy hour event, but they are not mentioning it amongst themselves to preserve their image as reliable workers. As long as you keep work and partying in their own separate spheres, you should not have a problem.

“This is what I honestly think...” This phrase is confusing because your workmates or boss might question your integrity. It is peculiar to preface a sentence with “honestly” because you should always be genuine in your contributions and not have to specify when you are and when you are not.

“Don’t tell anyone, but...” Clearly, this phrase screams scandal and should be avoided at all costs. While it is true that secrets sometimes strengthen relationships between individuals, this is never office appropriate regardless of how juicy the tidbit might be. Alongside money, gossip might as well be the root of all (office) evil and can lead to detrimental relationships.

“That is not my job.” Imagine you casually asked a coworker a simple question and he or she replied in such an abrasive manner, you would most likely never ask them anything again. Replying with a rude “that’s not my job” connotes an unconcerned and irresponsible character. You will become unapproachable and not well liked among your office peers. It is important to always be helpful especially with those individuals who seek out your guidance, because you too would want advice.

As a rule of thumb, always think before you speak to ensure you sound polished and professional. How you express yourself, both verbally and non-verbally, can be the ultimate deciding factor in an enticing promotion or more.

By: Claire Walton | Image: Source

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