Apartment Decor: How to Make a Small Space Appear Bigger

Dorm dwellers and new apartment people, you all are probably used to making do in your tight and small abodes. Well, say goodbye to feeling claustrophobic in your home and hello to making your rooms feel and look more spacious. Use the following tips and tricks to make the most of your space.

Try to use as much natural light as possible. The more natural light you use, the less space you will need to use for lighting. Be sure to open the blinds and curtains all the way to allow for the optimal amount of light. Don’t forget to clean your windows every few weeks to prevent dust build up affecting how much light gets in.

Mirrors are a well known trick of the trade for making smaller places appear larger. Mirrors reflect more light, making the room or hallway they are placed in seem bigger. Placement of these mirrors is very important. Wall-to-wall mirrors reflect more light, creating a more open space. Also try to place mirrors near natural light so even more light can be reflected throughout your dorm/apartment. Since buying new mirrors can be expensive, hit up flea markets and garage sales for some steals.

Multipurpose Furniture
Investing in multipurpose furniture is key when optimizing the amount of space you have in a room. For example, an ottoman that also can be used for storage is a great purchase. Instead of buying a couch, buy a futon that can double as a bed. Target has some great options.

Light Colors
Now most of us don’t have a choice of which color our walls are, but we can decide what other colors we allow into our rooms. In the same way more light makes a space appear grander, so does using lighter colors. When picking a comforter stick to pale blues, grays, greens, yellows and creams. The same goes for shelving, bookcases and posters.

If the flooring in your apartment or dorm is darker in color it can make the room seem smaller. Cover up dark floors with light colored carpeting or rugs. It would be ideal to buy one large rug, rather than several smaller ones. Check out Bed Bath and Beyond for spectacular options.

Just like cutting the clutter in your room, you will want to cut down the clutter on your walls. Choose one large painting or focal point. Having several smaller paintings or pictures might seem like it will make your wall and space seem larger since it is numerically holding more, but it will end up looking messy and cluttered. That is why choosing one large poster or decal will make your wall look sleeker and more spacious.

Purchasing one glass table -- whether it be dining, coffee, or side -- will create the illusion of more free and open space.

Hopefully, the preceding tips and tricks will help your place feel more expansive. We know a dorm room can sometimes look and feel like a prison, but by trying one or more of these ideas you will be living in a much more immense and vast space.

Please let us hear about your success stories with some pictures below. We would love to see them!

By: Julia Taylor | Image: Source

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