Class Attire: Science Lab Style

Dressing up for class is easy. Dressing cute for the lab after class ... not so easy. It may be tempting to throw on an old shirt, jeans and gym shoes rather than plan an outfit. But hey, who says you can’t look great while finding the Higgs boson particle? I certainly don’t.

Laboratory Dress Code
Every laboratory’s dress code varies slightly depending on the experiments. Below I listed the general lab attire in chemistry, physics and biology labs:

  • Wear close-toed shoes
  • Avoid dangling jewelry
  • Shorts, dresses and skirts must cover your knees, unless you’re wearing an apron or lab coat
  • Wear safety goggles while working
  • Optional: Wear a lab coat
  • Optional: Wear gloves

Let’s break down the dress code, starting with close-toed shoes. Unless specified that you must wear gym shoes, your options are limitless. CG suggests that you avoid wedges and heels in the lab ... or your favorite Uggs in case there is a chemical spill.

Obviously steer away from large hoop earrings, long necklaces and scarves. CG recommends a classic leather watch that won’t impede your work. Warning: some physics labs that work with lasers require you do not wear anything reflective, so avoid metallic jewelry, and opt for wood earrings.

Jeans are a girl’s best friend in college. And in lab, they’re perfect. If you’re comfortable with a maxi dress or skirt, rock it within protocol.

Now being the most fashionable girl at lab is easy. Just make sure not to catch a sleeve in the Bunsen burner, and throw your hair back into a messy bun.

By: Lisa Swanson | Image: Source