Are Dating Apps Worth the Risk?

In college, it’s not uncommon to find girls lamenting their single status on Facebook, and guys loving the solo life, especially on Friday nights out with the boys. The Huffington Post reported that men typically don’t want to settle down until their thirties. So frankly, this means there’s a lot of college-aged guys more concerned with hooking up than settling down. (Harsh realities, ladies!) Because it’s so difficult to establish a committed and monogamous relationship in college, young women have turned to a more proactive method of forming liaisons: dating apps. There are definite pros and cons to entering the cyber-dating world, and it’s important to consider them all carefully before taking the leap.


  • Convenience: If we’re being perfectly honest with ourselves, it’s hard to meet someone. And getting all primped and perfumed up for a party, only to end the night without connecting can be a disappointment. Searching for a guy from the comfort of your phone/tablet/computer is just easier. 
  • You’re in control: Perhaps the most appealing facet of cyber-dating is the fact that you get to specify exactly what you like. You don’t have to settle or compromise for a guy who has six out of ten things on your list. You enter your desires in a database and, automatically, are provided with dudes who meet the criteria. That’s pretty darn nice. 
  • Anonymity: What’s the hardest thing about pursuing someone in person? The possibility of rejection, obviously. Whenever you express interest in someone, you’re taking the risk of being turned down. Dating apps and other forms of anonymity allow you to remain someone discreet and avoid that unpleasant experience. After all, if it doesn’t work out, you’ll never see them again, right? 


  • People lie: You can’t ensure anyone’s honesty on the Internet. The guy that claimed to resemble Justin Timberlake might bear a more accurate resemblance to Jonah Hill in real life (not that Jonah Hill isn’t totally adorable). Whenever you connect with someone who you haven’t yet met in real life, you’re taking the risk of being played. 
  • Desperation: Turning to dating apps and other methods of organized dating can look a little desperate. No judgment. But you are actively searching for a relationship. Some might even say that you’re forcing it a little. If you’re in college, you’re most likely in your late teens/early twenties. If you’ll allow me to be cliché, you should be using that time period of your life to find yourself and truly discover who you are. That can be hard to do when you’re in a relationship. It’s important to be a whole person before you’re 50 percent of a couple. Translation? You don’t need to be in a relationship right now, you just want one. 
  • Possible Let Down: It might not be what you think it is. Before signing up for E-Harmony or downloading Tinder, remember this: you still might not find what you’re looking for. Don’t think that pressing the Enter button will magically produce your perfect man. You can meet a guy online and he can turn out to be just as much of a jerk as your typical frat boy because some of those guys searching for a one night stand on campus might just be using Date my School to make it easier to find a booty call. You won’t always find what you’re looking for. 

Ultimately, dating apps and other forms of electronic mingling can be a dangerous game. You never know exactly what you’re going to get, and you might find yourself a little more disappointed than if you had waited for a serendipitous meeting. If you do plan to partake in this type of dating, then keep up your guard for red flags. Be safe, Glossers!


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