How to Conquer a Quarter Life Crisis

With those late-night Sonic runs, house parties, all-nighter finals study groups, weddings and graduation, it’s pretty great to be a “20-something” from simple moments to the landmarks. However, this is also when a quarter life crisis may strike. A QLC can be described as a sense of panic that life isn’t progressing at a satisfactory rate (according to self-standard), whether it be in a relationship, career or with other goals. There’s nothing to fear, though. CG is going to help you conquer that quarter life crisis before it becomes a roadblock on the way to the next big moments in your life.

First, admit you’re freaking, even if it seems slight. Pinpoint the signs, so they can be addressed. Symptoms include: 

  • Frequent nostalgia
  • Comparing current level of success to others
  • Regret
  • Increased insecurity with love life
  • Fretting about finances
  • Second-guessing career path

If any of these symptoms sound familiar, it’s time to release fear of the future. According to Dr. Oliver Robinson, a psychologist from the University of Greenwich, “Early-life crises have three phases. They make you feel trapped, then they move to be a catalyst for change and, eventually, the building of a new life. You need to realize the need to take control and have some agency.” If dealt with effectively, a QLC can be good in the long run because people often redirect their lives in a positive way, Robinson says. So use this time as an opportunity to go back to the drawing board.

  • Take others out of the equation for a little while in order to best evaluate what direction everything is headed. So stay off social networks, and allow little outside feedback (right away). You’ll just be listening to your inner thoughts for some clarity.
  • Create a list of the hobbies that you enjoy and how to incorporate them in your daily life.
  • Reset some goals, it’s definitely okay to take on those ambitious goals over chunks of time; after all, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Now that you know you aren’t the first girl to suffer from a case of QLC, take a deep breath, realize you have time to achieve your dreams, and hit the reset button on life. There’s no time like the present to reassert your control and start checking off goals. 

(PS: If you feel like your bummed-out mood will take more than a metaphorical chill pill, seek a professional’s opinion. A career guidance counselor or professional organizer could help you find control, or a psychologist could help find the root of your funk.)

By: Kiarra Sylvester | Image: Source | Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

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