5 Ways to Fix Frizzy Hair

Weeks of heat-styling your hair regularly, chemically-coloring, and 10 pounds of glitter makeup later, literally every part of you is dry after all those end of the semester parties! The most difficult part of your winter beauty care can be your hair, believe it or not. Fight freezing temps and frizzy strands with these five steps.

1. No more wet hair
No matter how late you are to class, do not leave your dorm room with wet hair, or you’ll risk getting sick and damaging your locks due to freezing.

2. Condition
This may sound like a no-brainer, but you would be surprise to find out how many women skimp out on this step to avoid greasy locks. This is the biggest hair myth, we all need to condition our hair. Just opt for a lighter formula, if you’re worried about greasiness and avoid the roots.

3. Wear a hat
It’s only natural to hate hat hair, but a hat is the best defense against a dry scalp when walking to class or doing some holiday shopping.

4. Carefully choose products
Look for products geared to your hair type, whether it’s thick, thin or colored-treated. Also consider a leave-on conditioner because using daily products for your hair type “...will not be enough to coat the hair for the all the days between washing,” said YouBeauty. “To help maintain a more moisturized hair shaft, daily leave-on products can be very helpful in the maintenance of smooth hair shafts, minimizing frizz, as well as minimizing the heavy weighed-down feeling that a wash-off conditioning product will cause if left on the hair.”

5. Deep condition
This step is vital during winter. Hot oil treatments are our favorites. Apply Extra Virgin Olive Oil on your damp hair half an inch from your scalp. After application, put a shower cap on and let the oil heal your strands for 30 minutes. To remove the olive oil, use a mild shampoo and rinse it out completely. Voila, this will make a world of difference. If you’re worried about creating a greasy look, you can always book a professional conditioning treatment with your next haircut at the salon.

For the most moisturized hair, don’t follow the same hair routine as you did last fall or summer season. Remember conditioning is key, and wash your hair as frequently as you would like. Find your happy medium.


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