10 Ways to Get a Natural Look This Summer

If you have fallen victim to more than two of the signs of wearing too much makeup, this guide is just what you need to get out of your beauty rut. Don’t throw away your falsies or red lipstick just yet, follow these tips for a flawless, effortless face for a natural look this summer.

1. Switch from a full coverage foundation to a BB Cream
If you are prone to hormonal breakouts, save the full coverage foundation for that time of the month only. Usually, a full coverage foundation is highly detectable on your visage and makes you prone to a cakey face. A tinted moisturizer or BB cream will do, instead.

2. Keep falsies to a minimum
There is no crime in wanting to accentuate your eyes, and the good news about makeup is that there are a dozen of techniques to flatter them. But vow to wear falsies only on special occasions then, you will feel extra glamorous and flirty when you do wear them.

3. Don’t give up on red lipstick
Just like we push our au naturale girls to try dark colors for winter time, we recommend you perfect the nude lip or the perfect shade of pink for your pucker.

4. Think sheer
We like to think smokey eyes are perfect for every occasion, yes, even to your 7 a.m. class (just use softer shades). Experimenting with natural colored blush, lipsticks and eyeshadows instead of always going dard. This doesn’t mean you’re boring, it indicates the opposite; everything looks good on you. Try a gorgeous peach blush to bring out your complexion or a fleshed colored eyeshadow.

5. Make sure your eyeliner isn’t wearing you
It’s totally fine if you are into a grungy, intense kohl look, inspired from the 90s; think young Kate Moss and Taylor Momsen. We are all for a messy eye look, it brings edge and sex appeal, but it becomes an issue, when we can’t see your peepers. A smudgy eye is supposed to be purposefully smoldered, not a mess. Take it from us, a makeup overdose is never pretty, unless it’s in your shopping bag.

If you do find that your liquid or pencil line are becoming too harsh for your taste, switch to matte shadows. Using matte eyeshadows are liner will create an effortless smoldering effect.

6. Eyebrows need attention too
We admire Audrey Hepburn’s eyebrows for decades, but there is room to grow. The times have changed since her iconic brows paved the wave for Brooke Shields and Cara Delevingne. Don’t deprive yourself from this major it moment in beauty, but also, do it right! Do not draw in eyebrows. They’re are meant to frame the face, not detract from the rest of your features. Always chose an eyeshadow or pencil two shades lighter than your natural brow color, and remember, never use a black pencil to fill in your face framers.

7. Stop at two coats of mascara
Your eyes are the window to your soul and the place where people most often look, so beware of the spidery lashes! Creating the illusion of full, voluminous lashes is not a crime, until they become crispy. Although some of you ladies like spidery lashes, they’re not always a good idea. Over time, spidery lashes lead to breakage and fall out, meaning you’ll have less lashes.

8. Be picky with powder
Stick to the T-zone dolls, if you have dry skin, don’t worry about it. Over-powdering is the least flattering technique.

9. Watch out for the blush
We will admit it, we are guilty of clown cheeks. We can’t help it, but we have learned from our mistakes, as you should too. Blush is definitely one of the funnest makeup products. Before you leave your dorm, don’t forget to ask your roomie if you have on too much. If you do, grab your foundation brush and blend to tone down the color.

10. Natural light will tell all
Before stepping out, any beauty guru will tell you that they don’t leave the house without checking their made-up under natural light. As a glamour girl, you love to look flawless, don’t forget to check for any mascara smudges, harsh lines (especially along the ching), lipstick on your teeth or for clown cheeks!

If you are still hesitant about going through a make-under, think about all its advantages: Your skin will forever thank you, and more makeup won’t cover up your imperfections, instead it magnifies them. Give your skin the time and space to breathe. You won’t regret it. We would never tell you, college goddesses, to tone it down without a reason, we want you to be the best you. Keep it professional and pretty, but don’t deprive yourself from experimenting.


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