CG Exclusive: Catching Up with Starling Glow

Take one listen to "We Are Infinite" by Starling Glow, and you'll be hooked. Citing both EDM and rock influences, Starling Glow's new single "We Are Infinite" has already made it into the Billboard Top 20 Dance Club debut singles. We caught up with Liz Hill, the lead for Starling Glow, with a few questions about her music, style, and life.

Tell us about your single “We Are Infinite”!

I think "We Are Infinite" is the kind of song you can crank in the car with your friends when you're heading out for an adventure, or can play while just chilling in your room when you need a reminder that life is awesome. The lyrics are about making the most of the moment, and  not being afraid to shine. I hope listeners feel alive when they hear it.

We also love your style! How would you describe your look?

Why thank you!  I definitely would have never won an award for my fashion sense in high school, haha. Once I stopped caring about following trends and just started wearing things that I loved, I felt like my style came together.  I'm obsessed with the southwest, so I'm always wearing feathers, fringe, turquoise, tooled leather, etc.  I love thrifting, especially for pieces that are vintage and or lace. There's also a rock-n-roll side of me... If it's black and studded and in my size, it's coming home with me.

What are three things you can’t live without?

My horse (and horses in general), makeup (I love getting dolled up), and food (I know this is a given, but man I really really love food... Indian food, cupcakes, Mexican food, cupcakes, Italian food, cupcakes, all of it!)

Who is your role model and why?

Dolly Parton hands down. She's a legend, has written so many iconic songs, she owns who she is and doesn't seem to care what anybody else has to say... And she has her own theme park, I mean, come on! P!nk, Kelly Clarkson, and Gwen Stefani are all pretty high up on that list too!

What is one thing your fans don’t know about you?

I'm a huge nerd. Like, competed in the Science Olympiad and proud of it nerd.  I'm always curious about EVERYTHING, so if you catch me staring at my phone, there's a good chance I'm looking up random facts about plate tectonics or how pasteurization works or methods of animal communication.

Check out Starling Glow's music video for We Are Infinite below, and tell us what you think!

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